Enrolling Procedures

Congratulations! Now that you have consented the patient, the next step is to actually enroll them in the study. Here are some key reminders to prepare for going to the procedure and capturing all the information needed for the study. Bear in mind these are general reminders that apply to most studies, but there are always studies with their own quirks. Modify this workflow as you need to.

A lot goes on during the procedures. There are multiple staff members in the room doing various tasks to keep the procedure going smoothly. It's normal to feel like it's an information overload at the beginning. Do your best to observe and ask questions. It will make more sense over time.

Some data points are routinely captured in the hospital's cath lab documenttion protocols, so no need for us to ask for them. We can just "fish them out" from Epic later. Ask Allie/Kyle about what those are.

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