IDS 7 Sectra

For Xrays, CTs, procedural images from IR

  1. Open Sectra IDS7. Log in with your U number & your U number password.

  2. Click "search" on the row of icons on the top of the screen (magnifying glass icon)

  3. Copy & paste in the patient's MRN into the blank that says "MRN" in the bottom left corner and press search. This will put up a list of all the patient's images, usually in the middle of the screen, under "Patient History"

    • Unlike for Synapse CV, include the preceding zeros in the MRN

  4. Find the set of images you need to download and right click.

  5. If the "Retrieve from Archive" option is greyed out, skip to the next step. If it is not greyed out, press it first, and then proceed.

  6. Upon right clicking on the set of images of your interest, press "Export to Media". A pop-up screen will show up.

    • I have never adjusted any of the checkboxes/anonymization settings and just used the imaging EDC to redact the images, feel free to explore them though.

  7. At the bottom of the pop-up screen where it says "Destination", select the folder you want images saved to. I would recommend saving them under the study folder in the shared drive.

  8. Press OK. There will be a pop-up telling you that the images will be downloading in the background. There will be a progress bar on the upper right corner of the screen.

  9. Do not close IDS7 Sectra until download is complete.

Last updated